Turkey Begins New Military Offensive

Turkish Armed Forces have started a new military offensive in Iraqi Kurdistan with up to 300 military tanks. Turkish Armed Forces have been operating on the ground in Barbary Balla for ten days and have entered multiple villages in the region.   Troops have been seen walking inside the villages of Kesta, Aradna, Chalke, Babire, Ura and Sararo in the Kani Mase sub-district.

CPT- IK talked to some residents of those villages, and they all shared their concerns about the presence of the soldiers inside the villages.

The chieftain of Kesta stated to CPT, “We are all afraid of the new escalations in our area. Kids can’t sleep. Due to the fear of military clashes inside the village, most of us have sold our animals and have given up on the agricultural lands. We want to live in peace.”

CPT is condemning the ongoing Turkish military operations inside KRI, which has led to more than 700 civilian casualties.
