Villagers impacted by the Turkish bombardments show solidarity to the people of Afrin cptikFebruary 4, 2018cross border bombing and shelling
Immediate attention to unfolding human rights violation in Iraqi Kurdistan is requested cptikDecember 19, 2017
CPTers celebrate with Baste Village an important achievement: connection to electrical grid cptikDecember 11, 2017
Iraqi Kurdistan: Cross-Border Attacks' Lingering Effects cptikJuly 25, 2012armed resistance groups, cross border bombing and shelling, displacement and refugees, social movement
"We Will Continue" cptikJuly 5, 2012armed resistance groups, cross border bombing and shelling, human rights, nonviolent resistance, solidarity and advocacy
A Visit to the Iranian Consulate cptikJune 10, 2012awareness and learning, cross border bombing and shelling, solidarity and advocacy
CPT meets with Turkish vice consul cptikMay 19, 2012armed resistance groups, cross border bombing and shelling, social movement, solidarity and advocacy
Statement to the Iranian Consulate and to the World cptikAugust 13, 2011armed resistance groups, cross border bombing and shelling, human rights, repression and violence
Border lives: Zharawa- Dignity cptikJune 1, 2010cross border bombing and shelling, displacement and refugees, nonviolent resistance, political parties
Border lives: Bamarne cptikMarch 14, 2010nonviolent resistance, political parties, repression and violence